The Dude Needs Mauxhair
Thank You!!
Thanks everyone for leaving such positive feedback for Nouveau Riche. It was a labor of love and I'm happy that y'all approve. Now to hunker down and get the pattern finished!!
Cable-eight Revisited

"...I wore your Cable 8 sweater into work yesterday for the first time. I was listening to the weather on the radio which forecasted 92 degrees with a heat index of around 100. Yikes! I thought it was going to be closer to 80 degrees, what was I thinking? Until I got to work and walked from my car to the front door in a nice breeze, and the breeze went right through the sweater! The word “refreshing” went through my mind a couple of times by the time I made it into the building.
"Then, after dinner last night my husband and I were sitting on the couch watching TV, and during a commercial he turns to me and says (jokingly) “That’s a nice new sweater! I wish I had the time and money to go out and buy nice new clothes for myself all the time”. At which point I crack open this big dirty grin, and he’s forced to ask “What?”
"I told him that you made it for me. He was amazed! Flabbergasted! He put on a show of feeling how soft it was, and how he thought it was some expensive brand name.
"I told him that it is a brand name: The Crochet Dude brand!..."
Thank you so much for sharing. You’ve really made my day!!
And Then...
As I edit the pattern for Nouveau Riche I am also putting together the designs for my poncho booklet. Y’all voted that that is what you wanted me to design next, and with fall right around the corner, why not? I have set up a new poll in the sidebar to find out how many you think I should include in the booklet. And hey, if you have been waiting for Pretty Pleats with Mango on Top, it will be included as well!

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