
A place to help this dude keep track of his thoughts and ideas on his way down the fiber arts superhighway...

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

I Got the Knittin' Blues...

So I'm knittin' along, minding my own bidness, and a little voice in my head (no, it's not a maggot...have you seen Corpse Bride yet? Saw it last weekend, very cool, a bit creepy though) Anywho, the little voice said "this knittin' looks great, but it's lookin' very big". So, after 19 inches (out of 25) of stockinette stitch I decided to measure. Sigh. Yep, my gauge was off after all and the fabric is most likely several sizes wider than intended. And I'm on a diet y'all, so as I shrink down to a pre-vacation size the chances that it would fit eventually are pretty "slim". Bottom line...ripping out, starting over, learning lessons....

Everyone was so kind in their comments yesterday. Well, except for the very stern email I got from a certain family member who said "funny photo, dude, but post one where you aren't acting goofy!". So here is a photo from a trip to NYC last October, sans breadstick:

*click for biggy view*