
A place to help this dude keep track of his thoughts and ideas on his way down the fiber arts superhighway...

Monday, October 10, 2005

Henceforth and Heretofore in Perpetuity

I received the actual contract from Lark Books (the publishers of MWK&TDWLT) over the weekend. What an amazing experience to see one's name heretofore referred to as "author", et cetera! I had the contract reviewed and I signed it this morning! Woo hoo HOO! Now email me because I want/need to hear your menknitdogyarn story.

Pastry Anyone?

I found out that my niece not only finished culinary school but also majored in pastries. It's like a dessert miracle. I can't explain how happy I am...

Sweater Update

I have finished 17 inches of the back of the MWK sweater that I am working up for the book. In case you missed the previous post, I had to start over twice and ripping out about 40 inches of stockinette stitch in total. More importantly I am almost finished with the back of the sweater!

Stuff On My Cat

In the spirit of the inspired website, here is Cleocatra enjoying some quality time with a toy.
*click for biggy view*