
A place to help this dude keep track of his thoughts and ideas on his way down the fiber arts superhighway...

Thursday, October 06, 2005

It's the most wonderful time of the year...

I started a new Christmas gift yesterday. I'm going to make a Groovy Loops afghan in soft white and adobe. If you know you are the intended recipient of this gift please forget you ever saw this post please.

Anywho, I'm going to make it using the old standby of twelve 12" squares that I use for my comfortghans. The difference of course is that they will all be the same pattern using the same colourway (if one uses the term colourway one really must use the proper spelling, doesn't one?).

*Detail of those grooovy loops*

From eight to ten and a half...

The back of the sweater has grown to ten and half inches of stockinette fun. Woo hoo! Now if only I could knit without looking at the needles I would be able to catch my favorite shows at the same time! Anyone out there watching "Commander In Chief" with Geena Davis? It's fantastic.

Company a callin...

My niece Cheryl is coming to visit on Saturday and will be staying for two weeks. I can't wait! I haven't seen her since she was just starting high school. She just finished culinary school in San Francisco! Time. How it does fly, eh? I wonder if she crochets? Can someone please help me clean the house for the next 48 hours please?