Am I Bluuuueoo-oo-ooooo

Despite the relatively blecky weather we've been having in Houston I have managed to make some progress on the house painting, with one more side and the faux garage finished now.
I also mowed the yard yesterday for the first time this year (not shown in photo) and fertilized it. It's just starting to green up! I love spring, don't you? I have flats of seedlings that are ready to be transplanted: tomatoes, watermelon, peppers etc. There are at least 30 robins in trees out front right now and some finches getting ready to nest again in the awning outside the backdoor. I always put out a big pile of yarn scraps for them to use for nesting. More photos soon!
Super Cool Yarn Co. II
I got a call from SCYC II yesterday asking me to design a couple of Easter purses for little girls. The yarn should arrived today, and I need to ship them out Friday at the latest. I'm still amazed at the dizzying speed that this industry functions at. It's exciting though!!
Super Cool Crochet Magazine
The editor received all ten swatches for the design of mine they want to use and seemed genuinely pleased with my sending so many to choose from. Now with yarn chosen all I can do is wait for it to arrive. I'm interested to see if there is a big difference between the process of designing for a magazine or for a yarn company. I already know that the deadline is this summer so that's a big difference already! The yarn companies so far have needed it "yesterday" (not that there is anything wrong with that).
Spring Fever
Okay, it's sunny and 80 degrees out, the birds are singing, there is a nice breeze off the Gulf and it's all making it very hard to be inside working! Over the winter a thunderstorm fried my router booster, so I don't have enough range to take my laptop out to the gazebo to work. I think I'm going to rearrange my day and do some non-computer related work outside!!! (which may or may not be interpreted as taking a nap on the backyard lawn.)
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