After Glow
I'm just overwhelmed with the well-wishes that I received since my one-year Bloggaversary! I had never received so many comments and it was quite a thrill. Now I know what Crazy Aunt Purl must feel like!! Seriously y'all, thanks for making this dude so happy!!
Thank you for the great gifts that I've received over the last few days too! Here is a bloggaversary bouquet from Imaginary Maggie:

And this incredible crochet hook from Sondra!

Super Cool Yarn Co. II is baaaack...
I received a call Thursday afternoon, received the yarn Friday afternoon, and just shipped the design (overnight) this morning. Gotta love these deadlines. Actually, I won't admit to liking deadlines, but I see that they help me get projects finished. Even if I set an arbitrary deadline for myself it helps me work harder. I have three projects that I've had on the back burner since before the holidays but I haven't set a deadline for them, so guess where they are? Simmering on the back burner still! Hello, anyone remember Coliseum? Nouveau Riche? Do Your Manly Vest?
That's not really the vest I designed, nor is it actually me. But I couldn't find a post where I talked about Do Your Manly Vest so I improvised. Gotta love Google!
Super Cool Crochet Magazine
I wish I could tell you the details, but I can't. However, I was contacted by a Super Cool Crochet Magazine and they are interested in one of my designs for a 2007 issue! I'm just amazed! Either my designs skills are improving or I'm just the squeeky wheel they are trying to grease. Oh heck, either way I'm so stoked! They've requested a couple of swatches more using a different weight yarn, but it sounds like it's going to happen. Woo HOO!!
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