Let The Comfort Commence!

I just returned from the post office where I found that squares have begun to arrive already! Woo hoo! I'm so stoked, and very thankful!! They look fantastic, and will soon be shipped off to the appropriate Heartmade Blessings assembler so that each square can fulfill its comfortdestiny.
I have started a Hall of Fame in the sidebar where I will keep a running tally of how many squares have been received. I am also listing out the donors so they can get their kudos on!
Thanks again everyone! I'm just blown away by the support and generosity of the fiber community!
Chandler is obviously impressed in that feline "you woke me up for this?" sort of way...

Football Afghan Pattern Info
A few people asked about where to find the patttern for the football afghan I showed on my blog yesterday. The book is from Annie's Attic and you can find it here:
Annie's Favorite Special Occasions Crochet Projects
It's a great pattern because you can make the colors around the strips of footballs to match the team colors. The one I made in the photo used the colors of the local football team. The book also has patterns for each season of the year like Halloween, Christmas, Independence Day, etc. There are still a few patterns in the book that I plan to make someday!
Clutter B Gone!
I shipped out three big boxes of extra yarn this morning. They are all going to people that work on comfortghans and I'm sure will be doing much good very soon. I have phase two fairly well planned in my head, but nothing is on paper yet. That studio is going to be so cool!
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