The Dude is One Year Old Today!
Happy Bloggiversary!

It was one year ago today that I figured that I'd give The Crochet Dude a shot and present him to cyberspace. Who knew what would happen over the next twelve months?
- 232 posts
- 140,000 hits
- 3,000+ comments logged
- 10,638 views of my Blogger profile
- 10 free patterns created
- 50 designs published
- 10 designs created for yarn companies
- Featured in newspapers in countries such as the USA, England, Canada, & Australia
- Received six marriage proposals.
- Featured in magazines such as Knit.1, Bust & Interweave Crochet
- $175.00 raised for Habitat for Humanity
- 1,000+ subscribers to The Crochet Dude newsletter
- Able to meet Crazy Aunt Purl, Lady Linoleum & Ellblo among many other fantastic people (you know who you are!)
- Signed my first book deal with Lark Books
- Coauthored that book with knit goddess Annie Modesitt
- Taught myself to knit and went on to knit one of Annie's designs for that book
- Selected by Accord publishing to do editing work on the 2007 Crochet Pattern a Day Calendar
- current value is B$4,724.63/share (buying may be difficult)
- Technorati Rank: 11,745 (264 links from 129 sites)
- Top crochet site on the Crochet Top Site List. Have you voted?
- 289 people have pinned my Frappr Map.
Thank YOU!
Seriously, I'm so grateful to each of you that comes to my blog and enjoys my designs. I love reading your comments (hint hint, leave one right now) and I feel like I've made some fantastic friends here!
Cleo has enjoyed this year too!

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