Cake Please
Y'all, if you don't have a swift... it's the must have holiday item this year. It will change your life, just as it has changed mine. I was able to take 12 pounds of wool and wind it into wonderful yarn cakes in just under twenty minutes!
I admit that this would have been impossible before. I know I know, one can put the yarn on the back of a chair or the hands of an unsuspecting guest (and believe you me, it's happened more than once!) but the end result is always 75% yarn cake - 25% yarn spaghetti.
Aint it fun to see a hank behaving? This is incredible hand-painted ultramerino from Artyarns. I love it. I do. And the best part is after the sweater is photographed for the Men Who Knit book I get to keep it!
mmmmm, cake....
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