It's all about YOU!
I want to dedicate today's post to celebrating you, the wonderful people that have been making squares for Heartmade Blessings to be included in comfortghans. Today I received 90 squares.
That's nine - zero!!
I had to make two trips to the car from the post office! What a great problem to have. You have responded in such a huge way and I am proud to know that people like YOU read my blog.

Did I tell you I got 90 squares today? Oh, and that makes the total received so far 164! Y'all that's enough for over 16 comfortghans. The first 74 squares that I received have been distributed to assemblers already and will be comforting people within a matter of weeks.
I'm so proud of you all!!!
If you want to send squares and get your name listed in the Hall of Fame in my sidebar check out the guidelines here:
Guidelines for Comfortghan Squares - Bust Yer Stash!!
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