2007 Calendar Submission

I finished the sweater that I'm going to submit to Annie for the 2007 Crochet Pattern-a-Day Calendar soon. Do you think it will be accepted?
*click photo for biggy view*
I have to edit the pattern (how many times have I said that over the last two weeks) and get a better photo taken, hopefully with a real person inside. As you can see I was inspired by the pink & black poncho that I was working on a few weeks ago. It's fun watching everything evolve!
The yarn is by Louet and was wonderful to work with. It's merino wool in "french blue". The softness, the sheen, the drape, are all because of that wonderful yarn. I highly recommend it! They carry the entire line at my LYS.
I'm stumped on what to name this though. Any ideas?
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