Professional Frogger
I read somewhere that the key to being a successful crochet designer is the ability to rip projects out. Now at first that seemed counter-intuitive! Wouldn't it make more sense that a designer would be more successful if there was more hooking and less ripping? It becomes clear very quickly that if you want your design to be good enough to sell, then it has to be perfect. And the only way to achieve that level of professionalism is to be able (mentally) to rip out as much as needed (even if it's all the way back to the beginning) to get it completely right.
Apologies right now to anyone that has received a crocheted gift from me over the years. Y'all, some say it's bad luck to give perfect gifts. And I'm sticking to that reasoning.

Anywho, I spent a few hours on the dress for Super Cool Crochet Magazine last night and wowzy, it was looking great. I looooove it. Sliced bread? It aint got nothing on this design! This morning upon further (sober) inspection I found that I had the dress form set to a size two sizes too big and no matter how much I beg the designgods that are watching over me, the way the dress was worked just will not work.
Rippit. Rippit. Rippit.....
I received several emails yesterday saying that the closeup shot of the azalea in my backyard would make great greeting cards. Sooo, because I'm not one to argue, and I have a small vein of the disease to please (and lawdy don't tell Oprah....she'll go all, well, all Oprah on my sorry butt).... I have created some greeting cards and other stuff with that image on them now in my Cafepress store:

click here: The Crochet Dude Cafepress Store
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