Mucho Exito
The trunk show/meet-n-greet was such good fun! I was able to meet lots of new people and also some that I "know" from cyber-space but hadn't met in real life. Thank you to everyone that showed up and made the event such a success!

A place to help this dude keep track of his thoughts and ideas on his way down the fiber arts superhighway...
The trunk show/meet-n-greet was such good fun! I was able to meet lots of new people and also some that I "know" from cyber-space but hadn't met in real life. Thank you to everyone that showed up and made the event such a success!
I have this bad habit of not watching American Idol until the final episode. And then I have it on in the other room (I really can't handle two hours of bad singing) just sort of waiting for the winner to be announced. I suppose I'm afraid that I won't know the latest tidbit of pop culture, and although the water cooler only includes me and two cats, I still don't want to be that out of the loop. Taylor Hicks won, he kept yelling something I couldn't understand but the crowd responded to. It sounded like "Bobeedo" or somesuch. Do you think he's going to get a "Just For Men" endorsement deal now?
My sister Dawn (the one with the Mercedes, sauna and room for a pony) called to let me know that I must have been thinking of her when I designed this purse, since it is in her favorite color - purple! While I can't send her the prototype because I'm putting together a trunk show of all my designs (more on that later) I can name the pattern after her, right?! I'm so drunk with power I can't stand myself sometimes...
Yesterday after blogging I turned on the British comedies on BBC in the guest bedroom (I don't have a t.v. in my bedroom because Oprah says you're not supposed to, and I know with my luck someday she'll be doing a show about crochet dudes in Houston that may or may not have tv's in their bedrooms and she'll show up with a camera crew and then won't I regret not listening to her and putting the tv in the guestbedroom? She'll go all Oprah on my butt...) Anywho, I thought I would just lay down for a minute and close my eyes. 3 1/2 hours later I woke up. I was apparently exhausted.
I actually had time to go grocery shopping this morning! Woo hoo!! I also had time to finish up some socks that I've been working on since before I went to Canada! It was my first try at knitting socks so just the fact that they actually fit makes me happy. I used Louet Gems Topaz wool and they came comfy and slouchy. I don't see myself wearing these inside shoes, but in the winter they will be great to wear around the crib, youknowhatimsayin'? Do people actually say "crib" anymore? I gotta watch MTV more.
I just this minute returned from the post office where I shipped off the final item to Interweave Crochet... er, I mean, Super Cool Crochet Magazine II. Okay okay, it's the second generation of Chic on the Halfshell. Remember I said that Chic was a prototype and that I submitted the next generation to a magazine? Interweave Crochet bought the design for their Fall 2006 issue. Can you believe that guacamole?
Today marks one year since launching "The Crochet Dude Presents..." pattern line! To celebrate I have marked down all my patterns 20% for one week only!!
Thank you very much to everyone that listened to the podcast and left me such encouraging comments. That means so much to me!! If you had trouble listening Jennifer has a help page on her site that may help you troubleshoot the issue.
I got so much finished over the weekend! Woo hoo! The largest project (used 20 skeins of Lamb's Pride wool) was finished yesterday afternoon. Have you ever been driving along in fog and then suddenly you have driven out of it and it's sunny? (and you don't feel like your guts are going to turn inside out anymore?) That's exactly how I felt when I did the finishing touches to this project. Now I can almost feel free to go into my front yard because every time I do anymore at least one neighbor looks at my half painted house and says "when are you going to finish that?". When it happened yesterday I just told her that I'm going for a calico effect. She thinks I was joking.