Groovy Ghan finished - photo
I finished the Groovy Ghan over the weekend! Woo hoo! Here are some pics!

A place to help this dude keep track of his thoughts and ideas on his way down the fiber arts superhighway...
I finished the Groovy Ghan over the weekend! Woo hoo! Here are some pics!
The Groovy Loops afghan is almost finished! Woo hoo! I just finished assembling the final squares (thanks to a roadtrip to Beaumont, I wasn't driving and crocheting, I was passengering).
It's officially winter in Houston! Last night it dropped to an incredibly low 52 degrees and did I mention the furnace isn't working for some reason?
I'm officially working on a gazillion projects at once. They have all been started and declared works in progress. The first step in my new organizational program is to admit that I have a problem. Hi, I'm Drew, I'm drowning in a sea of WIPs. The next step was to write it all down. I found a project book that had been given to me before (it's a fancy notebook really) and I just started listing all the things I need to do, by when, categorized them and kept the book with me so I could note anything I remembered while doing other things, like putting $37 worth of gas in the tiny gas tank of my even tinier Saturn.
To the commenter that said that the neck shaping would be no big deal, you were right. It's not scary at all!! It's actually quite easy and Annie's patterns are very well written. I only have a few more rows to go on the front then I will start the sleeves tomorrow. I'm even thinking of getting fancy and doing both at the same time. Has anyone ever done that? Apparently it guarantees that they be symmetrical.
Oh wow. Seriously. If you ever get the chance to have is like having heaven baked in your house. And just the aroma alone is satisfying, let alone eating it. It's the first bread that I have ever eaten that was so good that I couldn't imagine putting anything on it!! Seriously y'all. Good stuff.
Woo hoo! The baking has commenced!!! In the kitchen, as we speak, there is a batch of brioche doing something technical that I don't understand. And tomorrow morning The Dude will be having brioche for breakfast. Now, let me tell you honestly, I have no clue what brioche is, but I'm so excited I doubt I'll sleep tonight!!!
I have received several emails asking me to describe my crochet hook in more detail. So, here goes. It is 32 inches from base to tip, four inches thick, and weighs one pound three ounces. I'm not what size it would actually be considered, but it's the biggest one I've ever seen.
I started a new Christmas gift yesterday. I'm going to make a Groovy Loops afghan in soft white and adobe. If you know you are the intended recipient of this gift please forget you ever saw this post please.
Yep, I have re-cast-on the MWK&TDWLT sweater and was able to knit eight inches of stockinette already. Woo hoo! Annie was right, it does go much faster the second time around. Wendy at my LYS was so helpful in answering my questions and steering me to the right size needles. I didn't know they made circs less than 40" long. I'm just saying.
So I'm knittin' along, minding my own bidness, and a little voice in my head (no, it's not a maggot...have you seen Corpse Bride yet? Saw it last weekend, very cool, a bit creepy though) Anywho, the little voice said "this knittin' looks great, but it's lookin' very big". So, after 19 inches (out of 25) of stockinette stitch I decided to measure. Sigh. Yep, my gauge was off after all and the fabric is most likely several sizes wider than intended. And I'm on a diet y'all, so as I shrink down to a pre-vacation size the chances that it would fit eventually are pretty "slim". Bottom line...ripping out, starting over, learning lessons....